Workout With Us

Workouts are BETTER when you workout with us. Our dynamic classes are designed for everyone – from the gym newcomer to the more advanced. Choose from 90+ classes offered every week at our four locations and experience what a KICK-ASS workout, MOTIVATING coaches and SUPPORTIVE community can do for YOU!

Intro Offer: $5 for 15 Days - No contracts to sign!


The time to make a change is NOW! Try 15 days  of  UNLIMITED access to our regular schedule across, for just $5 – no contracts to sign! This includes all bootcamp, L.I.F.T., RIPPED, and METCON30 classes. 

Get Started >


Build muscle, lose fat, and have fun doing it. Bootcamp classes utilize a variety of formats to deliver a dynamic 40-45 minute workout using dumbbell, kettlebell, bodyweight and cardio exercises at different stations.

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specialty CLASSES

Challenge yourself with four, six and eight-week specialty classes tailored to specific muscle groups and workout styles. These signature classes have been designed for The Fitness Asylum only and you won’t find a workout like this anywhere else!

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Pop-up classes at The Fitness Asylum


Throughout the year we add single-session classes with a unique theme or focus. These classes are free with a class pass, membership, or intro offer.  A great way to try something new, fun, and unique. You never know what is popping up next, and might pop-up permanently!



Hyper-focused on achieving a goal, proper form and building confidence with specific equipment. Our Kettlebell Clinic delivers improved form and a better understanding of this powerful tool. Get comfortable with barbell basics in our Barbell Clinic. If the unassisted pull-up is your goal this year (or ever), then our Pull-up Clinic is for you.


On Demand workout bundle

Discover workouts that you can do anytime, anywhere, as often as you’d like! Each class is taught by our team of fabulous instructors and are designed to give you the best workout for your body.



We offer a variety of membership types for both adults and youth. From class passes to monthly and annual memberships we have an option for everyone.

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Find hundreds of class options each week, at any of our four locations – Boylston, Hudson, Shrewsbury, and Grafton – and book online or in our easy-to-use app.

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Class & Membership Policies & FAQs

How early can I sign-up for a class?

You can sign-up for regularly scheduled classes one MONTH in advance.

Specialty classes enroll throughout the year. When you purchase a specialty class, you are automatically signed up for each week of the session.

How does the waitlist work?

When a class is at capacity, a waitlist automatically opens for the class. You can put yourself on the waitlist, and be automatically added to the class as space becomes available.

Note: You will NOT be added to the waitlist for a class within one hour of the class start time. This policy is in place to ensure you have enough time to prepare to come to class, and avoid unnecessary late cancel and no show fees.

You can, at any time, remove yourself from the waitlist the same way you remove yourself from any other class. You can also add yourself back in.


What if I can't make a class I'm signed up for?

We understand that your schedule changes, and you may need to cancel a class. You can log-in to your MindBody Online profile at any time to cancel a class. Cancellations made within THREE HOURS of a class start time will be charged a $10.00 late cancel fee to the default debit/credit card listed in your account. EARLY RISER (5:30a) classes have an EIGHT HOUR late cancellation policy.

If you do not show up for a class you have reserved a spot in, you will be charged a $25.00 no show fee to the default debit/credit card listed in your account.

Does the gym cancel classes?

If a regular schedule class (not a Specialty Class), has fewer than three (3) clients enrolled, it will be cancelled due to low enrollment following the same time limitations as client Late Cancel Fees.

All regular schedule classes will be canceled due to low attendance THREE HOURS before class, except for early morning classes (5:30a and 6:30a), which will be canceled EIGHT HOURS before class starts.

Please also review our inclement weather policy.

NOTE: The Fitness Asylum reserves the right to cancel due to emergency or inclement weather outside of these times.

What is your inclement weather policy?

The Fitness Asylum makes every attempt to open during inclement weather. Unless the staff are physically unable to get to class, or the driving conditions become unsafe, we will open.

We do not default to the local school district's decision to open or close.

If we must cancel, we will often make the decision closer to the class time, but we do make every effort to give a minimum one hour notice.

You will be notified via email as well as text (if opted in) if/when we cancel classes. We will also post closures on our business pages.

Our LATE CANCEL/NO SHOW policies do not change due to inclement weather if we are open and running classes. If you are not comfortable driving to class in inclement weather, please remove yourself from class before the late cancellation window to avoid incurring fees.

Can I cancel or pause my membership?

A 30-day written notice is required for cancellations, and is subject to contract terms. Memberships can only be paused with a medical note from your physician, or for military leave.

For complete details about membership terms and conditions, or other questions, please contact [email protected].

Do I need to sign a waiver or any other forms?

Yes, prior to attending your first class with us you will be asked to review and sign both our waiver, as well as our non-disclosure agreement.

Already signed up and haven't received a link to these forms? You can access and complete them by clicking here.

Can I bring someone with me to observe class?

Classes are reserved for paid members and class pass holders only. Members do receive guess passes annually, to be used for friends or family (age 12+) to take class.

We kindly ask that you do not bring a friend or relative with you to sit on-site during your class.

For more information about obtaining your guest pass, consult your Member Welcome document or contact [email protected].

Is there an age requirement for classes?

Our Youth Memberships and guest passes are valid for ages 12-21.

Circumstances may vary, but we require an adult to accompany younger clients ages 12-14 for all classes to workout with them.

What is your policy for arriving late to class?

If you arrive to class late, you will be instructed to wait in the waiting area, where you can observe the trainer's instructions for the set, and will be assigned to a place in class when the demonstration is complete.

If you arrive to a class after the trainer's demonstration has ended, you will not be permitted to take that class.

You must be signed-up for class prior to signing in and joining the workout. You manage your schedule through the MINDBODY Online (MBO) log-in on our website, on the MBO mobile app, or through The Fitness Asylum app.

How do I update my credit card info in MBO?

To update your credit card information, please log-in to MBO on your computer desktop (the app will not save the card), using this link. You can update your saved credit card information in your account settings.

I have a question not listed here. Whom can I contact?

For complete details about membership terms and conditions, class sign-ups, or other questions, please contact [email protected].


We'll notify you when new classes are added, nutrition programs are enrolling, or when we have helpful tips to share! 

Already receiving our emails and looking for help with your account? Please contact us now.

Primary Mailing Address
56 Summer Street
Shrewsbury, MA

65 Shrewsbury Street
Boylston, MA

90 Cherry Street

Hudson, MA

279 Upton Street
Grafton, MA

© The Fitness Asylum 2011-2024