Automating Your Meals For Long Term Weight Loss

You might want to think about automating your meals if you want to lose weight and keep it off forever. Here’s what diets have going for them. Especially diets that involve any kind of pre-made food. Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, SlimFast, Optivia, any kind of...

Are You Overthinking Your Weight Loss?

If overthinking burned calories I would be a supermodel, have you ever seen that?  Today we’re talking all about overthinking.  Are you overthinking your weight loss?  Is overthinking in the way of your weight loss? The answer is probably yes, and...

Is It Your Metabolism?

I want to ask you a very important question, is there something that you want that you do not have? I want to ask again. Is there something that you want that you do not have?  Chances are if you want to lose weight, you probably feel like you don’t have a...

Eating Enough and Weight Loss

I have mentioned eating when you were physically hungry. You’ve probably heard me say it. You probably agree with it. It sounds perfectly logical, eat when you’re physically hungry. However, as humans in human brains who’ve been dieting probably for...