Life Gets Lifey

I say life gets lifey all the time. I really think I should have t-shirts made or bumper stickers made.  I want to go through what I’ve created, which is the Life Gets Lifey Playbook.  We’re going to pull this apart and put it back together again. So...

Busting Weight Loss Plateaus

Today we’re talking about how to bust through stalls and plateaus in your weight loss like the Kool Aid Man! Spoiler alert: you’re always going to have stalls and plateaus.  Always.  It’s like your body is not designed to consistently and...

Got Boring Food? So What! 

When women want to lose weight. They’re trying to lose weight. They’re thinking about losing weight.  Or they’re not losing weight.  I hear, “I get going for a little while and things are going good. Then I get really bored, I get bored of...

What is Really Holding You Back? 

I was thinking about how I can help you overcome any obstacles that are in your way?  What is really holding you back?  I know with weight loss, sometimes we think what’s holding us back is:  I don’t have enough time.  I need a better...

The Problem with Slow Weight Loss

Today we’re talking about slow weight loss and, in particular, the problem with slow weight loss.  Let me start off by saying that the big problem is that slow is all relative. Slow and fast are just descriptors. What is slow to me, and slow to you, and...