Ending Weight Loss Confusion

One of the things I think that happens in weight loss and in life is that we think we don’t know enough. We need to know more so we go collect more recipes, research more science about calories, or look at more theories and strategies.  I want you to take...

Remember Who You Are

I want to talk to you a little bit about transformation and the scale. I had a Facebook post a couple of weeks ago, saying that, hey, this is an unpopular fact but just making the scale go down is not a transformation.  It was interesting to see the different...

F*CK the Scale

Today we’re talking about my most favorite topic of all time. I could talk about this all day, all night, with my clients and with you. It’s the hot topic, the scale. Specifically, f*ck the scale.  I will need you to write this down. I mean, you could write...

Why Not You?

I always think about what would provide the most value to you. That’s the bottom line. I realize that I have a little bit of a bias. I don’t want to talk a lot about myself. I don’t, only when applicable, and I really don’t talk a lot about the...