What is Really Holding You Back? 

I was thinking about how I can help you overcome any obstacles that are in your way?  What is really holding you back?  I know with weight loss, sometimes we think what’s holding us back is:  I don’t have enough time.  I need a better...

The Problem with Slow Weight Loss

Today we’re talking about slow weight loss and, in particular, the problem with slow weight loss.  Let me start off by saying that the big problem is that slow is all relative. Slow and fast are just descriptors. What is slow to me, and slow to you, and...

It’s Not Working.

You’re trying to lose weight.  You’re doing all the things: Working out,  Tracking your food,  Trying to eat right,  Trying to eat less,  Trying to be more mindful,  You’re doing all the things and then you get on the...

Creating a Fat Loss Lifestyle: Part 2

This is Part Two of a series. Part one was released last week on Wednesday. You don’t have to know what happened in part 1 to understand what we are going to talk about today. I think these work really well in tandem and there is a lot of overlap.  Part one...

Creating a Fat Loss Lifestyle: Part I

I’m always thinking about fat loss. ALWAYS!  Maintaining a good body composition where: I feel good  I function well My clothes fit I like what I see in the mirror Some of that is also my mindset, because I could stand in the mirror right now and find a...