Lose 10 Pounds with Me: A Realistic Approach to Weight Loss

Are you ready to lose 10 pounds? Let’s do it together! I’m inviting you to join me in this journey where we’ll focus not just on the scale, but on transforming your body and mindset. Here’s everything you need to know about my approach and how we can achieve this goal together.

What Does It Mean to Lose 10 Pounds?

Recently, I posed a question in my Facebook group, Food Fitness and Fat Loss for Women Over 40. I asked: “If you could choose, would you rather lose 10 pounds of body fat or gain 10 pounds of muscle?” To my surprise, many women chose muscle.

Why does this matter? Because muscle is invaluable. It’s like money in the bank for your metabolism and longevity. Muscle helps you avoid becoming frail as you age and supports a healthy, active lifestyle. However, this response taught me something: many of us value strength and resilience over just seeing a lower number on the scale.

So, let me ask you—would you prefer to lose 10 pounds of fat or gain 10 pounds of muscle?

Weight Loss vs. Fat Loss

Weight loss and fat loss are not the same. When you lose weight, it’s easy to become a smaller version of yourself without achieving the muscle tone or definition you desire. This is often referred to as being “skinny fat.”

Body recomposition—losing fat while building muscle—is key. You might not see dramatic changes on the scale, but the difference in your appearance, energy, and overall health will be undeniable. For me, weight loss is about improving body composition rather than chasing a specific number on the scale.

Why Body Recomposition Matters

When you focus on recomposition, you can:

  • Look like you’ve lost 20 pounds even if the scale doesn’t reflect it.
  • Build muscle to support a healthier metabolism.
  • Achieve a toned and defined appearance.

Let’s aim for this together—because looking and feeling great matters more than what the scale says.

The Scale: Friend or Foe?

Understanding Scale Fluctuations

The scale will fluctuate. Even with a perfect diet and exercise routine, hormones, water retention, and other factors can cause the numbers to vary. Here are a few common misconceptions about the scale:

  • A lower number means success.
  • If the scale doesn’t move, you’re failing.
  • You need to weigh yourself frequently to stay motivated.

Breaking Free from Scale Obsession

For years, I was obsessed with the scale. I moved it around my bathroom, tried different surfaces, and even weighed myself after hot yoga sessions. But this approach did more harm than good.

Here’s how I changed my mindset:

  • Focused on actions that made me feel strong and healthy.
  • Measured progress through how my clothes fit and how I felt.
  • Let go of the need to chase a specific number.

If you find yourself attached to the scale, take a moment to reflect. Write down your thoughts and challenge any beliefs that aren’t serving you.

How to Lose 10 Pounds (or Look Like You Did)

Step 1: Simplify Your Meals

Keep meals simple and consistent. Here’s what works for me:

  • Breakfast: Rotate 2-3 options.
  • Lunch and Dinner: Stick to protein and fiber-rich vegetables.
  • Snacks: Consider them as small meals to maintain balance.

Preparation is key. Cook protein in advance, and have foods like shredded chicken, hard-boiled eggs, and Greek yogurt ready to go. If meal prep feels overwhelming, use shortcuts like pre-chopped vegetables or meal services.

Step 2: Focus on Protein and Fiber

Protein is essential for building muscle and maintaining energy. Fiber helps with digestion and overall health. Include cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage to support hormone health and detoxification.

Step 3: Evaluate Your Habits

Want faster results? Look at these areas:

  • Alcohol: Reducing or eliminating it can help.
  • Sleep: Prioritize quality rest.
  • Activity: Increase daily steps and incorporate strength training.

Strength training doesn’t need to take hours. Start with 2-3 sessions per week and build from there.

Join the Fit Over Forty Facebook Group

If you’re ready to take your results to the next level, join my Fit Over Forty Facebook group. Starting April 1, I’m launching a special Lose 10 Pounds in 30 Days challenge exclusively for members.

Membership Benefits:

  • Monthly masterclasses.
  • Access to my entire program vault.
  • Ongoing support to sustain your progress.

At just $57 per month, this membership is a steal. Plus, there’s no enrollment fee right now, so it’s the perfect time to join.

Take the Next Step

Ready to lose 10 pounds with me? Let’s focus on sustainable changes, improved body composition, and building a lifestyle that works for you.

Join The One today!

About Bonnie Lefrak

Bonnie Lefrak is a Life & Body Transformation Expert and founder of The One. She has helped thousands of women achieve permanent weight loss by addressing both physical and mental aspects of transformation. Bonnie’s mission is to help women love themselves, find peace in the process, and unlock their full potential.

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