I do want of course to put a disclaimer, I am not a doctor, I am not a PhD, I am not a researcher. I am not a scientist and I only read the studies just like you. This is really based on 20 plus years of working with clients. 

I want to help you get back in the driver’s seat when it comes to hormone balance and weight loss. I think what happens is that we feel like hormones, even though they’re inside of us, it makes us feel like it’s outside of us. It’s outside of our control. It’s outside of our ability to manage changes that are happening. It could be changes from the aging process where you might find yourself going through perimenopause or menopause. It might be other changes, things that are happening because of stress or an illness or an injury. Or just that there’s something going on with you that is showing signs. 

Many women, even younger women, can have thyroid disorders. You can have metabolic disorders. There are a lot of different things that can happen with our hormones. I think the biggest takeaway for you to really feel like you’re getting something from this today is to have a couple strategies that you can take action on. Not saying that we can course correct everything just through diet, exercise, and stress release but we can really feel a lot more in control when we understand how much our own choices will factor into our results.

Sometimes achieving hormone balance can feel like trying to hit that specific number on a scale. We can do all the things, we can walk, we can live, we can sleep, we can drink the water, and we can even do it very consistently. You have probably experienced this in the past, we do the things and then the scale doesn’t go down. We think this isn’t working. I just want to normalize this. 

This is part of the weight loss process. 

Sometimes doing all of the things will not be enough. There could be the possibility that how you are approaching your weight loss, your health, your hormone balance, may not be quite on track. That is okay. That’s why people go and they get the bloodwork. They consult with physicians, they get coaches and we look at all of the pieces of the puzzle. 

The number one goal is to help you. Your weight loss is all about controlling what you can control. Setting weight loss goals and health goals is great. I totally advise that you do that and review them regularly. Also know that it is who you become in the process of going for the goal that is much more important than an actual number on the scale. 

For example, if you’re like, I want to lose 40 pounds. I want to weigh 140. That’s my goal, I want to see that number on the scale. All the work you put into your weight loss, your health, your fitness journey, all of that is really what you win. When you go through all of the steps. You take the time to do the work and put in the reps. Whether the scale ever gets to 140, it’s who you become, in the process of going for the goal. Whether that’s getting an award, a metal, a trophy, a boyfriend, a husband, a raise, a house on an island, whatever is you are going for. Including going for better health, better hormone balance, all of that. Going through the process is the actual reward. 

The scale, and even our blood work, is going to fluctuate. It just is at any given time. For us to fixate only on a specific number is going to leave us usually feeling a little bit hopeless, desperate, or disappointed. 

Ultimately, we want to feel empowered. We want to feel confident. We want to feel calm. We want to alleviate that anxiety around, I don’t know what to do or things aren’t working out. 

When it comes to hormones and weight loss, there are a few things I believe fundamentally. I’m going to say that they’re very simple. This is not going to necessarily rock your socks off. However, I just think it’s important to find out, do you also believe this? And if not, I’m holding the belief for you. I’m going to lend these beliefs to you so that when you start to think these thoughts, it will put you in the headspace to take the actions. Okay, ready?

1) You can lose weight whether you’re in perimenopause, menopause, have a thyroid issue, or have a high A1C.

You can. I know it. There seems to be a lot of chatter, a lot of stories, a lot of Facebook groups all about menopausal weight loss. And I want to offer you that, yes. 

2) Weight loss might be different than it was when you were 25. 

It might be different than when you were 30. It might be different now that you’ve already had kids where you didn’t have kids. Or that you’re 49, or you’re 52, or whatever. It might be different. 

Weight loss could be different than when you were younger. We all did some stupid shit to lose weight. We didn’t eat for a week. We didn’t eat for three weeks. We ate one meal a day. We smoked cigarettes and drank Diet Coke. We did all of these things. 

In the past, I’ve really not met a lot of younger people who are like, you know how I lost weight? I ate three or four protein based meals every single day and I made sure I had all of my nutrients and vitamins and minerals. No, I ate as little as possible. I chewed gum all day. We did a bunch of stupid shit. So yeah, weight loss is different. I hope so. 

3) You are not stuck. 

I know you might feel stuck. It is okay to feel stuck. Remind yourself you’re not stuck. 

We’re always just one step, one action, one thought, one belief away from being unstuck. Just doing something right now, going for a walk, we are unsticking ourselves. Many times stuck is really just stuck in a story, stuck in the past, stuck in how weight loss used to be, stuck in the same old song and dance. 

4) Weight loss can be done without any extreme diet. 

Here’s the fun part about that belief. What is extreme to one person is not extreme to another person. So whatever is extreme to you, you don’t have to do to lose weight. 

I just say this out loud to you so that you can understand that you’re not doomed. You’re not forever going to be without the body and life that you want. You can get there no matter what your situation. 

Let’s dive into what is in your control. 

Here’s the thing, sometimes we can;

  • have a plan,
  • be very process driven, 
  • have everything mapped out, 
  • have good data, 
  • be doing all the things. 

Yet the scale doesn’t go down. 

Your agency doesn’t go down. If you’re not sure what your agency is, that is a measurement of your blood glucose over approximately three months. I just throw that out there as a common marker for people who would get regular blood work. It is a sign of good health. It is something that I frequently asked my clients to check in on. 

We could go get bloodwork at any given time and our triglycerides could be up, they could be within normal range, they could be low, all of these different things. Sometimes we do all of the things and the number on the scale or the number on the piece of the piece of paper isn’t where we want it. That doesn’t mean we can’t get there. That doesn’t mean that there’s necessarily this huge problem. And to throw all of the solutions all at once. To take that shotgun approach is going to make us crazy. 

I just want to remind you what is in your control, you have a lot of things that are in your control. If you’re having some thoughts about what’s not in your control, it is worth putting it on paper and investigating it. 

What do you think you’re in control of? 

  • what you eat, 
  • what you don’t eat, 
  • what you drink, 
  • what you don’t drink, 
  • how much sleep you get, 
  • how much exercise you get,
  • what you say yes to, 
  • what you say no to, 
  • what you prioritize, 
  • what you focus on, 
  • what actions you take, 
  • who you hang around. 

I know some of these are like, I don’t have control. You do. All of these things matter. 

When we’re looking at hormones and weight loss, we want to focus on getting all of our numbers in a specific range. Before we get to hormone balance, I think it’s really important to look at everyday lifestyle. The things that we do actually have control of. 

I want to also say, because I’m not a doctor and not a scientist, I did back away a little bit. I thought I was going to talk about blood sugar, and I will probably touch on it. This is not a science podcast. It’s just really more about mindset. 

If you want to lose weight, you’ve probably lost weight before. You’ve probably lost weight many times over. It’s not because you’re doing it wrong, or you don’t have willpower, or you don’t know any better. It’s just that losing weight is complicated. We have hormones that are involved in weight loss and in hunger. We have hormones that help with our cortisol curve, like when we actually have energy or if we’re overly tired. 

We have a lot hormonally that’s going on when it comes to weight loss. We also have a lot of decades of negative self talk and not great body images. Whether that is just something we heard from our childhood, or something somebody said to us. A lot of what we tend to think about ourselves, about food, about our size, about what our body should look like, is an accumulation of everything that we’ve picked up over the decades. I like to think of our brain as a combination of a super computer and a sponge. It’s kind of the best of both worlds, and the worst as well.

It’s like this idea of a little snowball going down a hill. As the snowball goes, it gets bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger. Sometimes that’s what’s happening with all of the beliefs that we have, around our shortcomings. 

  • Why we don’t look good enough. 
  • Why we’re not losing weight. 
  • Why we’re not attractive. 
  • We’re not in the right size, 
  • We’re not going to be successful,
  • All of that. 

It’s like the snowball going down the hill, picking up the sticks, the rocks, the trash, the leaves, the junk and becoming this big, horrible, amorphous, icy, terrible snowball. That’s not even purely snow anymore. It’s just picked up a lot of crap on the way down. I know that’s happened for a lot of us when it comes to weight loss. It is easy to say it’s, it’s the diets fault, the diet industry is to blame, my hormones are to blame. No, I think there’s a lot of factors. 

I think it’s really important for you to understand that you’re normal, you’re human, you’ve done nothing wrong. You can make the change in your body, in your mind and in your life to lose weight. We don’t have to make it hard. 

I did step back and say, I don’t want to be prescriptive. I don’t want to tell you exactly what to do. What to take. All of the hormones to test. I do inside of Self Made. Even in Self Made Society, we have resources for that. That way, it’s a little bit more controlled. I don’t want to plant seeds that don’t need to be planted. This is not prescriptive.

When it comes to hormone balance, we’re talking about what is in my control. 

1) Food.

Let’s walk through it food wise. I do think protein at every meal is going to help you lose weight, feel better, preserve muscle mass, and balance your blood sugar. 

For my women in their 40s, 50s and beyond, when we think about hormones we’re thinking about perimenopause and menopause. We’re often thinking about estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, maybe thyroid, but mostly those sex hormones. How our bodies start to change. We get a little wider in the waist. Where women typically, especially younger, tend to have more body fat in their lower half of their body where hormones are guiding our body and we start to see our bodies change. With perimenopause and menopause, some of the other hormones are where I would take a look. 

Insulin is an important hormone. If you ever have had anyone close to you friends or relatives, or you know a little bit about type one diabetes, insulin is a hormone we cannot live without. Insulin is what our bodies use to take blood sugar, which is essentially food that we’ve eaten, that’s been converted to energy. Insulin is released from our pancreas to take this energy and put it somewhere. When we talk about food, eating, what your intake is, your diet, your nutrition. 

Looking at how your meals are structured it is something that I think can be really effective, to lose weight, feel better, have better hormonal balance. You’ve heard me say this a million times, right? Keeping some type of tracking. It doesn’t have to be macro tracking, but having data. I would really urge you to do a 14 day food journal and see how you’re eating. Are you grazing all day? Snacking all day? Taking bites of this bites and that? Or are you prioritizing having meals?  I would say for most people, probably three or four meals a day. That way you’re eating probably every four or five hours. Obviously eating when you’re hungry. Protein at every meal can really help fill you up and balance that blood sugar, so that you don’t have blood sugar spikes. 

What that means is if you wake up, and your first meal is a bowl of fruit or Special K cereal and a banana, things like that really don’t have protein. I think Special K might actually have protein, but not compared to the amount of carbs it would have and cereal tends to be processed. Even something that’s not processed fruit, berries, a banana, what have you. We can get into the weeds here. We’re not going to on the glycemic index or glycemic load on certain fruits. When we really want to think about anchoring the meal with a protein. 

I have gone down a couple different rabbit holes with blood sugar because it is one of the things that has been important to me. My blood glucose has always been a little bit high. When I was pregnant with my girls, I did develop gestational diabetes. If any of you are listening and you’ve had gestational diabetes, it does put you in a situation where you are more likely to develop diabetes type two. You do want to pay attention to what you’re eating. I look for protein at every meal. I look for vegetables at as many meals as I can. I look for as many unprocessed foods as I can. I avoid seed oils like I definitely do not like to use canola, grape seed. I don’t like to use a lot of oils. I definitely avoid fake foods like margarine, for example, or any of these hydrogenated spreads and things like that. 

Does that mean I eat like a saint every day? 

No. Does it mean that I don’t enjoy pizza? No. But if I’m eating pizza I do think about what else I am eating. What is on that pizza? 

I do think about every single meal. Let’s say I want an egg sandwich, okay. Is there cheese on it? Is it egg whites? How many yolks? Are there awesome vegetables? Do I want to do just one piece of bread? 

I do really think about starting the meal with either protein first, or vegetables first, and then putting the carbs at the back end of the meal. That way my blood sugar stays more stable. Not only does that make my doctor happy when my fasting blood glucose is within range, but you will probably notice you have better energy throughout the day. You don’t have brain fog. You just feel better when your blood sugar is more balanced. 

A lot of people don’t realize until they make some changes that they are getting these like wild swings. We wake up. We have a banana or even sometimes a protein shake can cause that spike right because it’s obviously a very processed food. It could have a lot of different sweeteners. Many people will make protein shakes with a lot of fruit and that can really do a number on how you feel. 

I think we have a lot of control over how we eat and a food journal is a great tool to see on the daily. Are you snacking? Are you taking little bites? Are you not really being intentional with your food intake 

2) Sleep. Rest, and recover. 

A lot of times you might be in a situation where you work overnight, maybe you have small kids in the house, or maybe you have older dogs or cats that are keeping you up at night. I do think you should do your best to ensure that you get at least seven hours of quality sleep every night. I know that every night is not going to be perfect. We’re going to have situations where you might have a sick kid or a sick spouse. You might be traveling and feel like you have jetlag. 

We’re not always going to have great sleep. But if over a length of time you’ve been really shortcutting your sleep, it’s going to catch up with you. You’re not going to feel well. You are probably going to have some hormone imbalance where maybe the cortisol and insulin levels are playing with each other. Again, I don’t want to go too deep into diagnosing or being prescriptive, but I can tell you with adequate sleep, you will find that you have a lot less of those carb cravings. You will feel just better overall. Rest does sometimes mean taking a day off from the gym or listening to your body. If you’re coming down with a cold, or you have an injury, maybe it’s time to rest.

It happens often when I start talking with my clients about what’s going on, I find out that they’ve had a nagging injury that they just haven’t had looked at. Whether that’s they have arthritis and they need an X ray or an MRI. Need to go to physical therapy. You might want to try acupuncture, chiropractor, massage, there are a lot of different ways to recover and take care of an injury. What’s happening is this inflammation, internal inflammation. I know when we think about inflammation, we think we’d be able to see it, like it would be a big bump or bruise or swelling or rash or some way to know that we have inflammation but sometimes it really is silent. Except for, oh my shoulder kind of hurts or my knee hurts. 

Many of us I know are doing wearables. You might have a Fitbit, you might have an Apple iWatch you might have that Oura Ring. What is interesting, if you track heart rate, for example, you can start to see trends. 

  • Am I getting enough rest? 
  • Am I getting enough recovery? 
  • Do I sleep enough? 
  • Am I taking care of stress? 

I’ll give a little example. I occasionally look at my heart rate data. I have an Oura Ring. It’s pretty fascinating. Right now I’m running a little experiment. I am wearing a continuous glucose monitor. Again, to get a little bit more data on where I’m at, being in the prediabetes range. Actually, my A1C historically, is about 5.7 to 6.2. I know I said I wasn’t gonna get sciency. But I’m just gonna give you a little example of data. A couple of weeks ago, my kids had any ninja competition, and I was very stressed out about it. Mostly because my fear was one of them would succeed and make it to this next level competition. They’d make it to the Worlds and the other one would not, that was my fear. I had plenty of sleep. I’ve been exercising. I’ve been eating right. I’m doing all the things. When I looked at the data from that day, my average resting heart rate was like 85 that day. It just goes to show even though I felt fine. I mean, I had a lot on my mind. I was worried and I was you know, worried for them. 

I will confess I’m a little bit of a helicopter mom. As much as I know failure and pressure testing your kids is how they become resilient and how they grow up to take chances and to take risks, which my kids do. But silently in the background I’m literally compelling. I’m dying. I am and my heart rate showed that my resting heart rate tends to be like normally 65, maybe 70 Max, and it was 85 for the day. 

I mentioned that to you to let you know, if you’re under a lot of stress and you might think that it’s resolved or it’s not a big deal or I can handle it. Stress over time. You’re yes you can’t handle it, but your body is battling it. I don’t think it’s necessary. I think stress is one of those things that is part of life but we want to have ways that we can de stress. That we can rest. Maybe you do yoga, maybe you meditate, maybe you just literally take time to yourself, you take that relaxing walk, you talk out some of your fears or anxiety with someone. I think it’s really important. 

I know as women, we’re kind of in this super at work. We’re super women. We do it all. We can handle it all. We can handle all the stress. And we do but it takes a toll. Sometimes that toll is we don’t feel like we have control over our lives where we don’t have enough time for ourselves. So in the little bits of time that we do find, that’s where we’re eating and drinking. Because we’re exhausted or because we don’t have an outlet or because we feel like that is our only thing to look forward to, our only joy. I’m going to give you permission to have all the feelings about that. To see what of everything that I’m mentioning is in your control, that you would like to tackle first. I don’t think it’s helpful for me to say, you’re in control of all these things. If you’re not, then there’s a problem with you. That’s not what I’m saying at all. I want to put you in the driver’s seat, and I’ll sit right next to you in the passenger seat. I will be happy to walk or drive or barrel down the highway with you, as you pick the one thing that you are going to put your full control behind.

We’re doing the shotgun approach and trying to do all the things is what’s making us feel more stressed out. More burnt out. It is actually causing us to be constantly stressed. 

When we’re in this constantly stressed situation, 

  • we’re not eating protein, 
  • or we’re not eating quality protein, 
  • or we don’t have time to make our food,
  • we don’t have time to eat,
  • we’re rushing out the door, 
  • We’re delivering the kids to school, 
  • we’re going to work,
  • we’re picking up the groceries,
  • we’re dropping the dog,
  • we’re doing all of the things.

And yeah, we still want to lose weight, 

We end up throwing a little bit of gasoline on the fire. We think we have to run on the treadmill. We think that we have to do intensive sprint workouts. We have to lift as fast as we can. We have to lift as heavy as we can all the time. We have to go go go. We have to keep up with everybody else. That kind of extra added stress actually does not work, it backfires, especially for women over 40. I mean, I get it my hormones kind of went sideways under 40. If you’re running on fumes, do we want more exercise? Pushing yourself harder is not the answer. I’m not saying it’s no exercise, but it is being a little bit more intentional about walking. 

Walk, don’t run. I know it’s crazy. I know you’re gonna argue well, my Fitbit, or my Apple Watch says I burn more calories, but we’re also burning ourselves out. If we really do want hormone balance, we’re going to have to learn how to do things that are stress reducing. More recovery work. 

3) Lifting weights. 

Your weightlifting routine does not need to be fast. It does not need to be furious. It does not need to be sexy. It does not need to be anything more than you getting some progressive overload to your muscles. 

That’s really what weightlifting is. 

If you haven’t been lifting weights, you don’t have to go from zero to 60. You can do 10 minutes of weight training. That is what I would probably do twice a week if you aren’t doing anything at all. If you’re already someone, and I have a lot of clients in my orbit who are already working out a lot, I’m not saying to ditch your workout. But let’s take a look. Are you doing a lot of HIIT workouts? Are you doing a lot of really aggressive cardio based workouts? Can we slow that down a little bit? 

It will help you recover faster. It will help you with your form. It will probably help you have less injuries. That’s where I would go if I’m looking for hormone balance. 

When I look at how I work out, that’s what I’m looking at. That’s what I’m looking out for. There might be other activities that you enjoy. Things like yoga, a bar class, ice skating, rock climbing, hiking, being outside, or going for a swim. Things like that are doing other types of workouts. They weren’t wrong when they talked about cross training. Giving your body different stimulus rather than trying to grind it down with a lot of high intensity stuff. 

4) Supplements.

I’ve said this before, I really look for basics. Trying the latest and greatest fad and things like that. I’ll give you one example, if you don’t already supplement with d3, I would get your d3 checked. Have the bloodwork done. If you’re not supplementing, it’s going to be low or at the bottom of the range. Having adequate d3 can really help you with bone health. It can really help you with overall mood, and overall metabolism. It’s really imperative that your d3 is within range. 

I would supplement after you actually have bloodwork, rather than us just throw a bunch of supplements at you and not really knowing where you’re starting from. Then, depending on what your doctor says, maybe you could get bloodwork twice a year. Just track that. 

I also wanted to mention, some of the things that I see when it comes to hormone balance, weight loss, and women, all the things that I’m really passionate about. The majority of women that I have spoken to in the three years who have come to me for help, who’ve enrolled in Self Made or who are now part of the Society membership, the majority of those women who’ve lost weight and gained weight, lost weight and gained weight and a really, you know, really at that point of no return are the ones that have come out of really aggressive, intermittent fasting combined with keto combined with high intensity types of exercise. Those things together are problematic. Almost to the point where I would say if anyone tells you to do intermittent fasting, where you fast for three days at a time, and you only eat high fat, and you do really high intensity workouts, I would say run from that person. 

If you wanted to try intermittent fasting, some type of HIIT workouts, if you wanted to try some kind of keto style menu. Yes, I would within reason. I would not go literally hog wild on all three and try to do that. 

You can find a lot of research on intermittent fasting. Essentially, how it works for most women is that it is just a reduced eating window. We end up eating less than we need. It does create a calorie deficit that does obviously lead to weight loss. 

Here’s how I like to introduce intermittent fasting to my clients. 

1), The first step, and probably one that is very sustainable and can last for a very long time, is really just that 12 hour eating window. Where you have 12 hours out of the day that you actually ingest calories, and the other 12 hours that you don’t. For example, 7am to 7pm. At 7am. I’m making coffee. I’m using half and half, there’s actual cow so the coffee is not a problem. But once I use half and half, and I’m using some type of sweetener and all of that. Now the clock has started on my eating window. If I finish eating by 7pm, I have created an eating window of 12 hours. For a lot of people that works really well whether it’s 6am to 6pm or 5am to 5pm. It just depends on your schedule. 8am to 8pm works really well. 

If you wanted to be more aggressive, I have used a 10 hour eating window. It is a little bit harder, especially if you like cream in your coffee which I do. But it can be done.  You could do 7am to 5pm or 8am to 6pm. By doing more extreme fast, I have found it is much more stressful to my female clients. I think that the eight hour eating window, which you see a lot, works well for men. 

When you look at the studies, the data, on intermittent fasting or keto and things like that, be sure you’re looking at studies that look at someone just like you. If you’re a woman over 40, is the study about women over 40? Chances are, it’s not. It’s a study about random people or men and women or women. That’s what I would look at.

Many times with extended fasting you will have the extra added stress of being very hungry and not sleeping. Then you get really kind of obsessed with food. Then we tend to over eat as soon as the window opens. Then we get that spike in blood sugar, and we get that roller coaster. I only know of maybe one or two women who have kept up that lifestyle of extreme fasting where it’s two, three, four day fasts every now and again for health reasons. I just don’t see that working for most clients, especially when you want to have a sustainable way to lose weight. You want to feel vibrant, you don’t want to be obsessing over what time can I eat? That’s really what we have control over. 

When it comes to hormones and weight loss, a lot of times it is not. It is not as hard as everyone is going to tell you. Is your body different? Yes. Is it possible that you do have some hormone things to work on? Yes. The only way to know that is to actually have a conversation with your doctor. The right practitioner to review any symptoms that you’re having. Get bloodwork for common symptoms. Of course, sometimes we don’t even recognize that we are tired, have very low energy or very moody. We kind of think that’s just how life is supposed to be. But it’s not. 

I have;

  • a hard time recovering from exercise, 
  • sleeplessness, 
  • a lot of hot flashes, 
  • sweaty or very cold, 
  • hair loss, 
  • dry skin, 
  • constipation, 
  • irregular cycles. 

All of those things are worth noting and talking to your physician to find out what exactly is going on. 

Obviously, I’m a big fan of general metabolic testing. So we know your cholesterol levels, your triglyceride levels, your inflammation in your body, C reactive protein. I would like everybody to know where they stand health wise but to also communicate to your doctor symptoms that you are actually experiencing. 

It could be lack of appetite, always feeling hungry, never feeling full, digestion issues, all of those things do matter. Before you rush off thinking there’s definitely something wrong with you, when we come back to prioritizing protein at every meal, and adding vegetables into as many meals as you can.You might looking at how much processed versus unprocessed food you’re taking in. How many of you are you using these seed oils or fake foods, the margarines and things like that when you really start to dial in on exactly what you’re eating. A lot of my clients do find that their symptoms; the brain fog, the moodiness, even skin breakouts, the sleeplessness, a lot of these things do resolve over time, when we really spend time feeding and watering ourselves, the same way we would feed and water our children or our spouse or our parents. We actually take the time to figure out what it is that I’m eating? 

Many times, because we’ve been dieting for so long, we’re under-eating. I’ve gone through food logs with many clients and when we go add up what they’re actually eating it’s 700 calories, 800 calories. It’s just not enough to fuel an adult woman through her regular day. Nevermind trying to work out, trying to feel good, all of that. 

That was a lot, right. I just want to circle back Unf*ck Your Weight Loss is really about normalizing the human experience. Letting you know that what you’re thinking or how you’re feeling about your weight, your body,your size, is something that we can work on and that we want to work on while we lose weight and not wait for it. You know, for us to magically feel better, I will be happier, my life will be so much better once I lose the weight because I think we’ve all been down that road before. 


You have the power to get back in the driver’s seat when it comes to hormone balance and weight loss. And I can show you how. I think we tend to feel like our hormones are out of our control or outside of our ability to manage the changes happening. The changes could be from the aging process (perimenopause or menopause), stress, illness, or an injury.

Truthfully, there are so many things that can go wrong with your hormones. Achieving hormone balance can feel like trying to hit that specific number on a scale. It can feel like trying to hit the bullseye playing darts. It feels nearly impossible. We can do all the things. We can walk, sleep, drink all the water, and we can even do it very consistently, but still not get the results we want. Sometimes doing all of these things simply will not be enough. There could be the possibility that how you are approaching your weight loss, your health, and your hormone balance may not be quite on track. But it doesn’t have to stay this way. Let’s jump right into figuring out how to get your hormones and weight loss on track in episode 52 of the Unf*ck Your Weight Loss Podcast now!


Bonnie Lefrak is a Life & Body Transformation Expert and Founder of Self Made, a program designed to help you tackle the physical aspects of health and weight loss as well as the beliefs and thoughts that drive our habits and behaviors. It is her goal to help women create certainty in their own lives, their own results, and their own abilities.

Weight loss is not about the one “right” diet – it is about MUCH more than that. Weight loss is not about the one “right” workout. Weight loss is not about being positive and putting a big smile on. Weight loss is about FEELINGS. All of them. Not trying to bury them or hide from them but knowing and allowing the full human experience.

Weight loss is not about grinding hustling and will powering your way to some end line. Transformation (when done well) is done from the inside out.

By addressing both the physical and mental aspects of dieting and weight loss, she has coached thousands of women ages 30-55+ from all over and helped them ditch the mindsets that are holding them back, achieve permanent weight loss, and get the bangin’ body of their dreams.

Bonnie is an expert at Demystifying weight loss. She helps you unf*ck your diet brain.

She is on a mission to help women love themselves, to find PEACE in the process of losing weight, taking care of themselves, and leveraging the power they do have to become who and want they want right now.

Connect with Bonnie:

Book a call- ⁠⁠https://calendly.com/bonnielefrak/lets-talk-weight-loss-strategy

Self Made Society- https://bonnielefrak.com/self-made-society

Facebook Group- https://www.facebook.com/groups/707942356603835

Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/bonnie.lefrak

Facebook page- https://www.facebook.com/coachbonnielefrak

Website- https://bonnielefrak.com

Self Made Application- https://bonnielefrak.com/application