Your human brain wants me to just give you macros, a meal plan, and workouts. It wants me to tell you how to lose weight. But I’m going to offer you this first. I want you to think about doing weight loss differently.
If you’re who I think you are…
You’re a woman who’s over 35 and has been on many diets. I mean you’ve done it all. You’ve tracked macros, counted calories, done meal plans, done South Beach, or even tried Weight Watchers. And that’s okay. But I’m here to help you do things differently.
In order to lose weight permanently, you have to do things differently.
Sure, you can go back to all of those diets and plans that you lost weight on before. But you are probably going to run into a lot of the same issues. So one thing that I think is really helpful, and it’s going to teach you a lot, is the power of writing things down.
If you’re like me, and you probably are, there is some resistance to doing that.
It’s so helpful to just write down everything you eat. If you drink anything with calories, write it down. Do this for two weeks in a row. all of it. I would go as far as indicating what time you ate, and even the quantity. If you don’t own a food scale, then I would try to be approximate.
Next, write down what time you went to bed and the time you woke up. You want to sort of track your sleep with this. I would also include if you worked out and what that workout was. Was it strength training or cardio! If you didn’t feel well I would also indicated that.
So you would have 14 days of data…
The reason I’m asking you to do this is first of all it gives you awareness. You become very mindful when you start writing things down. You’re not going to be taking handfuls of M&M’s or eating off your kid’s plate because you don’t really want to write that down. You’re not going to mindlessly eat if you’re going to have to write everything down.
This will also help you to notice patterns. If you are somebody who eats off your kids’ plates, you will find that out pretty quickly. If you are somebody who is eating while cooking dinner, you’re going to notice that quickly. Noticing patterns is the first step to changing the.
There might be some hesitation here.
But that’s your brain telling you to not let the party stop. Our brains don’t want to do work. Your brain is going to perceive this as reducing pleasure, and it doesn’t want that. I’m not telling you for the 14 days that you need to eat a certain way at all. I’m not telling you to make sure you get X amount of water or eat this amount of protein either.
Just write down everything.
The very first step of doing weight loss differently is to get awareness.
You need to gain awareness around what it is you’re actually doing right now. And you can do this at any time. You don’t have to wait for the next Monday to start. You don’t have to wait until the first of the month. You can start it today.
Just don’t make the mistake of tracking all week and then not tracking on the weekends. Write down EVERYTHING you eat or drink for 2 weeks. I’m asking you to write down what you eat.
It is going to be a game changer for you.
It’s going to be eye-opening. It really could be a start to getting on your way to permanent weight loss. This tracking may show you something and you might want someone like me to check it out for you.
I’d love to look at your 14 days. I’d like to help you walk through it and see what things you could change. That’s the worst that could happen. Writing all of this down is going to help you catch some of these habitual things that are going on.
If you want to take it a step further…
You could also use your 14-day food journal to also write down some of the thoughts and feelings you have. Once you start writing things down, it becomes easy. By day 4, it’s a piece of cake. This is going to be very eye-opening as a way to make those changes.
Oftentimes the changes that you might need or want to make aren’t huge.
So if your brain is having a hissy fit, you just want to assure your brain and body that it is okay to write all of this down. Nothing is changing. You can’t change anything until you know where you’re at. The best way to figure out where you are at is to write everything down. Awareness is the key to losing weight permanently.
Your human brain wants me to just give you macros, a meal plan, and workouts. It wants me to tell you how to lose weight. But I’m going to offer you this first. I want you to think about doing weight loss differently.
If you’re who I think you are, you’re a woman who’s over 35 and has been on many diets. I mean you’ve done it all. You’ve tracked macros, counted calories, done meal plans, done South Beach, or even tried Weight Watchers. And that’s okay. But I’m here to help you do things differently. In order to lose weight permanently, you have to do things differently.
Bonnie Lefrak has been in the health and fitness industry for 25 years. As a former bikini competitor, Bonnie helps other women achieve their dreams of being on stage as bikini competitors through her bikini program at the gym she owns in Massachusetts called Fitness Asylum. But as a self-proclaimed professional dieter, Bonnie also realized the toll dieting takes on the human brain.
Bonnie helps women over 40 lose weight without killing themselves in the gym, eliminate all the BS food drama, and help to create a life and body they LOVE. She wants to help women create certainty in their own lives, their own results, and their own abilities. Weight loss is not about the one “right” diet. It is about MUCH more than that.
Weight loss is not about the one “right” workout. Weight loss is not about being positive and putting a big smile on. Weight loss is about FEELINGS. All of them. Not trying to bury them or hide from them but knowing and allowing the full human experience. Weight loss is not about grinding hustling and will powering your way to some end line. Transformation (when done well) is done from the inside out. Transformation doesn’t happen on the scale. She is an expert at Demystifying weight loss and helps you unfuck your diet brain.
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